During transit goods are exposed to loss or damage by any number of risks. Intertek's Combined Cover delivers comprehensive protection for your assets worldwide.
To trade with confidence and minimise uncertainty, traders need to be sure that all their risks are covered, especially when shipping high value consignments or embarking on new trading relationships.
Intertek’s Combined Cover brings together our Full Outturn Guarantee (FOG) service and marine insurance coverage. FOG minimises your exposure to financial loss through weight shortfalls, while marine insurance covers you for the loss or damage of cargo during transit from origin to destination, including because of war, civil strife and piracy under specific conditions. It is tailored to your specific needs and underwritten by specialist insurers. Together they deliver comprehensive, cost effective cover for your cargo, bringing peace of mind and saving you money.
Full Outturn Guarantee (FOG)
A shortfall in weight between loading and discharge can lead to financial losses, particularly with high-value cargo. While it’s not always possible to directly control those risks, Intertek can provide you with risk management services to minimise loss.