Optical microscopy surface analysis.
Intertek optical microscopy labs are staffed with microscopy scientists with years of experience in research and production problem-solving for problems, materials and clients. Digital images of client samples are quickly forwarded from the surface science laboratory to the client. Optical microscopy is often the starting point for successful materials related problem-solving, and helps clients fully understand microstructure and product property relationships.
Optical microscopy testing capabilities:
- Fixing, Staining and Embedding of Difficult-to-Image Materials
- Expert Microtomy for Thin-section preparation
- Research Microscopy of Surfaces and internal Micro-structures
- Polarised Light Microscopy for identification of Contaminants
- Confocal Microscopy using Molecular Probes and 3D Reconstruction
- Hot-Stage Optical Microscopy Laboratory
- Cold and Shear Stages for altering Sample Micro-environments
- Dynamic Time-lapse Imaging for Fast and Slow events
- Digital Imaging from Macro to Ultra-micro Magnifications
- Fixing, Staining and Embedding of Difficult-to-Image Materials
- Optical Profilometry
Optical microscopy expertise:
- Non-Contact Evaluation of Encapsulated or Multi-component Systems
- Optimisation of Time Dependant variables such as Crystallisation
- Root Cause determination of Product Fracture or Product Failure
- Identification and Measurement of Product Contamination Problems
Intertek operates a global network of laboratories which are recognized centers of excellence in forensic microscopy and supply chain contamination analysis.