Intertek is a world leader in the development and application of computer-based models for a wide range of power plant applications. We continually expand our capabilities by seeking the latest software packages, coupled with in-house development of new and efficient techniques.
Intertek employs a wide range of analytical tools; from relatively simple hand calculations, through custom spreadsheets, all the way to full 3D transient solutions. Intertek balances your needs with the technical requirements of the analysis to choose the most cost-effective solution to your problems while providing you with Total Quality Assurance.
Some of the types of analyses we perform for our clients include:
- ASME Code Compliance (Pressure Vessel, Piping)
- Boiler Simulation and Design
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (Laminar, Turbulent, Transient)
- Corrosion Susceptibility
- Decision Tree Optimization for Inspect/Run/Repair Decisions
- Finite Element (Axi-symmetric, Two- and Three-Dimensional, Transient)
- Fitness for Service of Components
- Fluid Mechanics (Steady-State and Transient)
- Fracture Mechanics (Linear Elastic and Elastic-Plastic)
- Heat Transfer (Steady-State and Transient)
- Material Failure (Fatigue, Creep, Corrosion, Plastic Flow)
- Optimal Electric System Dispatch
- Piping/Hanger Stress
- Risk-Based Mechanical Integrity
- Statistical (Monte Carlo Simulation, Nonlinear Regression and Optimization, Weibull Models and Bayesian Updating)
- Stress (Linear and Non-linear)
- Unit Damage Accumulation
Our library of computer programs provides considerable flexibility in handling structural problems involving:
- Arbitrary Geometries
- Crack Initiation, Propagation, and Life Predictions
- Dynamic Analysis of Large Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
- Dynamic Impact Problems
- Estimation of Thermal Upset or Weld Residual and Restraint Stresses
- Large Deflection Elastic-Plastic Solutions
- Non-Axisymmetric Loads
- Orthotropic Properties
- Pressure, Mechanical, Seismic, and Thermal Loads
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Transient and Steady- State Transfer Solutions
- Transient and Steady-State Creep Solutions