Regulatory Research Solutions for Accessing International Markets
Gathering all regulatory market data at the earliest stages of your product development will help you identify and address potential impacts to your design. With our market research services, we can help to facilitate a smooth transition to testing, and ultimately a faster, less complicated certification process for you and your business.
- Identify local country requirements specific to your product
- Develop a customized regulatory strategy based on your priorities
Intertek does not provide consulting services for management systems certification. Any consulting activities provided by Intertek are separate and independent from certification activities.
Knowledge Center
Evolution of the Home Healthcare Market and Medical Device Compliance
White Paper | Webinar Recording
Ventilator Production: Introductory Guide to Regulatory Requirements
Critical Care Medical Devices: First-In-Queue Priority
Product Listing & Marking Strategies White Paper
IEC 60601-1-2 Edition 4 White Paper
Updated FCC Approval Process Webinar
Extractables and Leachables Studies Fact Sheet
Five Steps to Medical Device Commercialization in the United States White Paper
Making Green Profitable: Using IEC 60601-1-9 as a Competitive Advantage White Paper
Related Links
- ETL Mark The Industry's Fastest Certification Program
- Search and Buy Medical Device Standards
- Reese's Law – ANSI/UL 4200A-2023
- My Test Central
- Directories
- Certification Marks
- Global Research & Certification
- Medical Podcast - Compliance with Clarissa
- Satellite Data Acceptance Program
- Planning for Quality through Disruptions
- Intertek's world-class team of Medical Experts
- Intertek Protek - The world’s first industry-agnostic, end-to-end health, safety and wellbeing assurance program