Bunker fuel analysis ensures marine fuel oil quality.
Bunker fuel quality analysis helps prevent costly ship engine failure, downtime, and repairs. Analyzing marine bunker fuel also helps ship owners meet marine fuel environmental regulatory compliance.
Intertek Lintec tests marine bunker fuels on a global basis, providing inspection and testing services to confirm bunker fuel quality and quantity delivered. Bunker analysis labs analyze to ISO 8217, Marpol Annex VI and other industry specifications. Bunker fuel testing and inspection capabilities are located in major shipping centers around the world, including Singapore, Rotterdam, Shanghai, Panama, UK, UAE, and the USA.
Bunker fuel oil analysis and inspection:
- Asphaltenes, Ash
- Carbon Residue
- Density
- Flashpoint
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Microbes Contamination
- Pour Point
- Stability
- Sulfur Content
- Total Sediment Potential (TSP)
- Viscosity
- Water Content
- Bunker Fuel Chemical Contamination Screening
- And more