Azerbaijan petroleum, fuel, and chemical testing and inspection services.
Intertek in Azerbaijan provides an extensive range of world-class testing, inspection, consulting, and related services supporting oil & gas industry clients in the nation and the world.
Intertek Azerbaijan capabilities include world-class laboratory testing to ASTM, ISO, GOST, and other international standards. Offering 24/7 inspection and testing capabilities, Intertek Azerbaijan provides cargo quality and quantity control services for crude oil, refined products, and chemicals.
Intertek technical and vendor inspection and verification services supporting Azerbaijan's oil & gas industry are available across the nation and the region.
Laboratory capabilities in Azerbaijan include more than 200 different tests, such as crude oil assays (quality bank), flashpoint stabilization analysis, gas chromatography, microbiology tests, and trace chemical, contamination, and metals analysis.
Intertek Azerbaijan management systems are certified against ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. The laboratories and inspection offices are accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 and ISO 17020. Intertek provides petroleum services throughout Azerbaijan including Baku, Dubendi, and Sangachal.
Intertek has been operating in Azerbaijan and serving the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions for more than 15 years, supporting major oil exploration and transportation projects by providing qualified staff, certification of management system, cargo inspection of crude oil and refined products, and analytical testing of products and materials in the laboratories.
Azerbaijan petroleum services
Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services
Unlock enhanced quality control, minimize losses, and reduce financial risks with our diverse range of services. Explore our offerings further by downloading our informative brochure.