Many chambers are designed for permanent control of temperature (and, where applicable, humidity). Proving that they are working properly requires standardized tests to be carried out, and uncertainties to be taken into account when deciding on their conformity.
Intertek can carry out these tests for you, together with the associated documentation, to provide you with the information you need to characterize the operation of your chambers.
The characterization and verification of your climatic chambers and storage areas will be carried out using wired probes (PT100 type) or autonomous on-board probes. Depending on the duration, configuration, number of points, expected precision and regulatory constraints, the most appropriate solution will be systematically proposed.
Equipment concerned:
- Ovens
- Refrigerators
- Incubators
- Freezers
- Water baths
- Cold rooms
- Stability chambers
- Sample libraries
- Storage warehouses
Technical expertise:
- Drafting of QC/QI/QO/QP protocols
- Investigation of non-conformities
- Sampling plan with justification of probe positioning
- Audit and consulting
Tests carried out:
- Verification of measurement chains
- Temperature, humidity and pressure mapping, thermal mapping, characterization
(taking into account measurement uncertainties, homogeneity, maximum stability, setpoint deviation, indication error) - Monitoring
- Door opening tests
- Inertia test (power failure), Redundancy test, Backup test
Standards: FD X15-140, IEC60068