Who can benefit from QPM Certification?
The Quality & Performance Mark can be shown as a badge of truth about a product’s performance. It provides a realistic assessment - from a third-party laboratory - of what the product can do and how well it does it. This benefits several groups, including:
Manufacturers and Retailers
- Differentiate product
- Protect and deliver on brand promise
- Build trust and brand reputation among consumers
- Gain buyer’s support and trust
- Broaden market from early adopters
- Support of independent third party to validate marketing claims
- Means to validate sourced product components (manufacturers) or product lines (retailers)
- Reassurance as to quality and performance
- Aids in navigation among product choices and features
- Independent verification which will lead them to the right product choice
Trade Associations
- Validate and spread the use of new technologies
- Proactively champion good values (supply chain validation, green practices, etc.)
- Further support association programs through a consumer facing performance mark
- Additional level of performance builds on programs
- Benchmarked level of quality assurance for industry
Regardless of who your target audience may be, the Quality & Performance Mark certification adds meaning and value to your product in a very tangible and easy-to-understand way.