SUN - UL 444 & CSA C22.2 No. 214-08 - 4th Edition Revisions, Communications Cable
This SUN replaces previous SUN issued August 30, 2013 and March 28, 2014. New Certification Requirements being added to Listing Reports. See ** for update.
Effective Date:
Note – Several Effective Dates are being established for various steps to achieve improved identification of component parts of Listed wire and cable. See attached.
*Effective dates modified to address additional information requested and received on this program.
Impact Statement: A review of all Listing Reports is necessary to determine which products comply with new/revised requirements certification requirements.
Changes: Additional Certification requirements were created and will be added to each Certification report to verify that the product continues to be in compliance with the requirement of UL 444 and CSA C22.2 No. 124-08. See page 2.
** Fees: A nominal fee of $300 will be charged per Certification Report to add the necessary Manufacturer and FUS Inspector instructions.
Action Required:
Submit Information/Samples – Manufacturers will be required to submit IR spectrum (and UL 2257 data for CMP/FT6 cables) for each material used in their cable constructions.
* Alternate Method – While it is still desired to have manufacturers share with Intertek their insulation material baseline formulations FTIR used in their cable constructions, we realize this may not always be possible. As an alternative, if manufacturers are not able to provide this baseline FTIR by June 1, 2014, Intertek will be obtaining at the next quarter’s Follow-Up Inspection visit representative wire/cable samples for establishment of that baseline FTIR. It is estimated that the cost of determining this baseline FTIR for each different formulation will be $300 each different insulation material which will be invoiced on a direct billing invoice per Certification agreements. If you need a PO referenced in such an invoice, please provide.
Current Listings Not Active? – Please immediately identify any current Listing Reports or products that are no longer active and should be removed from our records. We will do this at no charge.Manufacturer & FUS Inspector Instructions being Added to Listing Reports
10.2 Follow-Up Services Special Instructions and Sample Pick-up for Finger Printing (insulation compound verification)
In accordance with Intertek Follow-up Services, a minimum 12 inch (30 cm) length of cable for each type of insulation composition shall be submitted on a frequency of one sample per twelve (12) months for analytical finger print verification, using UL Subject 2257 Outline of Investigation as a guideline test method to verify continued use of same insulation chemical composition that produced compliant test results. Data will be kept year to year and compared. Insulation compositions must not significantly deviate year on year. It is required that same insulation materials be used unless new/revised materials are re-evaluated and approved by Intertek Laboratory. Note: UL Subject 2257 outlines identification tests for plenum cables and includes FTIR using reflectance accessory, TGA per ASTM D3850, ICP/AA (inductively coupled plasma/atomic absorption) for certain materials, chlorine/bromine content per ASTM E442, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) per ASTM D3418 on all but PVC, melt flow per ASTM D1238 on all but PVC and PTFE and specific gravity per ASTM D792.
If submitted sample complies with requirements (has not changed), ETL Listing services will remain intact. In the event of a significant non-compliance (complete material change) is documented, Intertek will issue documentation instructing participant/manufacturer to place production on hold. Participant/Manufacturer will not be allowed to apply the ETL mark to additional production of the particular construction until the problem has been evaluated and corrected. An Intertek inspector will then return to manufacturing location to select two more samples for testing. Each of the samples will be from two different and consecutive production lots.
If both samples comply with requirements, Intertek will notify the participant and production and labeling will be allowed to continue as normal. If one sample complies with requirements, and the other does not, Intertek will contact the participant in writing and the lot from which the nonconforming sample was taken will be segregated and held in order to remove the ETL marks from the production run. The participant must also continue to evaluate the problem. If both samples do not comply with the requirements, Intertek will notify participant in writing to place the production on hold and to remove ETL marks.
Fees for the service are above and beyond the Follow-up Service Fees and estimated to be $300 per each different material in each sampled cable construction, annually. Selected sample shall be marked by the Intertek inspector as a selected test sample and submitted to Intertek – Elmendorf, attention: Herb Stansberry and referencing the Listing Report number (i.e.: Attention – Herb Stansberry Re: Listing Report 101785489SAN-001).
Schedule for Improved Identification of Component Parts of Listed Cables
October 1, 2013 – Effective October 1, 2013, during the initiation of new product evaluations, or revisions to existing listings, the infrared (IR) spectrum for all insulation and jacketing materials used in the construction of ETL-Listed Cables will be measured by FTIR analysis and recorded as part of the certification file.
Specific to Plenum-rated cables (CMP, FT6), the methods referenced in UL Subject 2257, Outline of Investigation for Identification Tests for Jacket and Insulation Materials Used in Plenum Cables, December 13, 2005 will be performed in addition to the FTIR.
May 31, 2014 – For existing ETL-Listed Cables, manufacturers will be required to submit the IR spectrum (and UL 2257 data for CMP/FT6 cables) for each material used in their cable constructions by June 1, 2014.
* We use Software by Spectrum that utilizes file types .sp, .asc, .ig, .dc, .jdx, .spa, .spc and .csv to obtain and store our IR spectrum data baseline.
* June 1, 2014 – Alternatively, if such baseline FTIR data is not received by that date, Intertek will pick up representative samples of each different cable insulation material for conduct of our own FTIR baseline. This data will be retained in the certification file and used during routine factory surveillance to monitor material uniformity.
* This data will be kept confidential per previously signed certification agreement declarations.
Surveillance activities for products initially Listed after October 1, 2013 will be increased to incorporate the random selection and evaluation of construction materials used in ETL-Listed Cables, this in addition to the physical properties and flammability requirements referenced in the certification standard.
October 1, 2014 – Effective October 1, 2014, Surveillance activities for products listed prior to October 1, 2013 will be increased to be consistent with requirements for newly Listed Cables as noted in the previous paragraph.
These evaluations will be performed and compared to data in the certification file to ensure appropriate control of materials used in production and ongoing compliance of the product with the certification standards. Failure to comply with these revised requirements may be cause for termination of your listing.