Intertek offers complete Dimethylfumarate (DMF) solutions for 2009/251/EC Directive compliance
DMF is used for consumer products, such as leather furniture and footwear, to prevent mould fungus that can cause deterioration during transport and storage in humid climates. DMF is often used in desiccant sachets, which can be placed within the product or in its packaging. Over time, the chemical evaporates and impregnates the product, protecting it against moulds.
DMF penetrates through clothing, and can get onto consumers’ skin. Consumers exposed to DMF have experienced health problems like dermatitis or allergies, with symptoms, such as skin itching, irritation, redness, burns, and respiratory difficulties.
On May 1, 2009, the EU Commission ban of the use of DMF in consumer products came into effect. The EU Commission Decision requires Member States to ensure that consumer products sold in the European Union shall not contain more than 0.1 ppm of dimethylfumarate (DMF). Products already on the market must be recalled and withdrawn without delay, and consumers have to be informed about the serious risk associated with excess levels of DMF.
Intertek implements restricted substance solutions for manufacturers and distributors. Intertek does more than simply help your company comply, we provide the competitive advantages you need.
Intertek solutions include:
- Responsibility assessment and advisory services:
- Scope and compliance requirements
- Product assessments
- Strategy to reach compliance
- Supply chain implementation
- Education for both company and supply chain
- Compliance testing